Mask Vuvi - Gabon

Mask found in Gabon (Central Africa), in the center of the country. The face covered with the white patina that signifies funerals and the red the world of the living. This mask was worn at night accompanied by large drums for the funerary dances of the great leaders who died in the 1940.


Estimate date: Around the 1940s

Dimensions: 33 x 22 x 11 cm

Weight: 0,480 kg



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Masque du Gabon (Afrique centrale), au centre du pays. Le visage couvert d’une patine blanche signifie les funérailles et le rouge le monde des vivants. Ce masque était porté la nuit accompagné de grands tambours pour les danses funéraires des grands chefs décédés dans les années 1940